In this shocking and fascinating interview documented by Prison, former Hitler Youth member and World War Two veteran Hilmar Von Campe warns that America's collective turn away from God is greasing the skids for the state to take over as the ultimate authority, threatening a repeat of the rise of National Socialism, as he warns that the Obama White House and the United States government in general now more closely embrace the political doctrines of the Nazis than they do those of the founding fathers.
Von Campe explains how when he returned from the war he was determined to find out how the Germans, a relatively cultured and civil people before the rise of the Nazis, could have allowed a monster like Hitler to implement the Third Reich. Von Campe attributes the fall of Germany to the Nazis partly to "Godlessness," a collapse in moral standards, and the German people acting contrary to God's desires. Based on this revelation, he has created a formula to try and prevent countries from succumbing to tyranny in future.
Von Campe explains how children were indoctrinated by the state and the education system to uphold Nazi beliefs and then spy on and inform on their parents if they didn't follow suit, as a way of breaking up families and enforcing a single ideology. He also reveals how the Nazis insisted upon discussion about religion and God being kept out of society, in the interests of ensuring that the people could not call on a higher authority than the state and therefore were less inclined to resist the Nazi takeover.
"I cannot understand how the American people can tolerate a thing like this," says Von Campe, making reference to the over 50 million babies that have been killed through abortion in the United States, while drawing other parallels to how the US is beginning to mirror totalitarian states. The only way to change the direction America is heading, warns Von Campe, is to reject immorality and embrace "absolute moral standards, absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness and absolute love."
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